Ubisoft announced today the signature of an agreement with the Banque Publique d’Investissement (Bpifrance) for the purchase of the 3,625,178 Ubisoft shares held by Bpifrance, at a price of €33.80 per share representing a total amount of €122.5 million. This transaction, which fits into Ubisoft’s share buyback program, will close by the beginning of November 2016.
Yves Guillemot, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ubisoft, stated “We want to express our warm gratitude to Bpifrance for its support during all these years”.
These shares will be allocated to the employee shareholding plans, the convertible bond issued through a private placement on September 21, 2016 and/or to potential external growth operations.
Investor Relations
Jean-Benoît Roquette
SVP Investor Relations
+ 33 1 48 18 52 39